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December 21, 2005
FlexCompress 2.69 is available.
Delphi 2006 and C++ Builder 2006 support is added. Some minor bugs are fixed.
December 21, 2005
ZipForge 2.69 has been released.
Delphi 2006 and C++ Builder 2006 support is added. Some minor bugs are fixed.
December 21, 2005
CompressionMaster Suite v.2.69 is released.
It contains Easy Compression Library 3.55, ZipForge 2.69 and FlexCompress 2.69.
December 15, 2005
Absolute Database 5.03 is available.
New features added:
  1. Delphi 2006 and C++ Builder 2006 support is added.
  2. SQL Engine: Speed of search condition " Field LIKE 'str%' " processing is increased if an index on Field is available.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
November 23, 2005
CompressionMaster Suite v.2.68 is released.
It contains Easy Compression Library 3.54, ZipForge 2.68 and FlexCompress 2.68.
November 23, 2005
FlexCompress 2.68 is available.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
November 23, 2005
ZipForge 2.68 has been released.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
November 10, 2005
Absolute Database 5.02 is available. Some minor bugs are fixed.
October 26, 2005
ZipForge 2.67 has been released.
The performance of adding many files to an archive is improved.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
October 26, 2005
FlexCompress 2.67 is available.
The performance of adding many files to an archive is improved.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
October 26, 2005
CompressionMaster Suite v.2.67 is released.
It contains Easy Compression Library 3.54, ZipForge 2.67 and FlexCompress 2.67.
October 26, 2005
Easy Compression Library v.3.54 is available.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
October 14, 2005
Absolute Database 5.01 is available.
New features added:
  1. Uncorrelated subqueries speed is increased.
  2. ESCAPE option support is added for LIKE operator.
  3. Performance of some SQL queries with TOP option is improved.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
September 28, 2005
ZipForge 2.66 has been released.
The speed of adding many small files to an archive is increased.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
September 28, 2005
FlexCompress 2.66 is available.
The speed of adding many small files to an archive is increased.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
September 28, 2005
CompressionMaster Suite v.2.66 is released.
It contains Easy Compression Library 3.53, ZipForge 2.66 and FlexCompress 2.66.
September 01, 2005
Absolute Database 5.00 is available.
Upgrade is free for all registered users.
New features added:
  1. Database performance is significantly improved in a multi-user mode with a database file located on a remote server.
  2. SQL Engine: Single-table queries with DISTINCT or ORDER BY now run much faster with RequestLive=False.
  3. SQL Engine: Speed of read-only queries with BLOB fields is increased a lot.
  4. SQL Engine: New syntax for UPDATE statement is supported to speed up UPDATE with subqueries.
  5. Locate speed with the loPartialKey option is increased if an appropriate index exists.
  6. DBManager is improved. Special thanks to Rik Halfmouw.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
August 16, 2005
CompressionMaster Suite v.2.65 is released.
It contains Easy Compression Library 3.53, ZipForge 2.65 and FlexCompress 2.65.
August 16, 2005
FlexCompress 2.65 is available.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
August 16, 2005
ZipForge 2.65 has been released.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
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If your application needs the functionality that Component Ace provides, search no further.

Linda Murphy

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