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FlexCompress        Example1                Example2

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Opens or creates an archive file.


public void OpenArchive();

public void OpenArchive(FileMode fileMode);

public void OpenArchive(FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess);

public void OpenArchive(Stream stream, bool create);

public void OpenArchive(FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess, FileShare fileShare);



Public Sub OpenArchive()

Public Sub OpenArchive(ByVal fileMode As FileMode)

Public Sub OpenArchive(ByVal fileMode As FileMode, ByVal fileAccess As FileAccess)

Public Sub OpenArchive(ByVal stream As Stream, ByVal create As Boolean)

Public Sub OpenArchive(ByVal fileMode As FileMode, ByVal fileAccess As FileAccess, ByVal fileShare As FileShare)




Call OpenArchive to open or create an archive file. If file specified by FileName property does not exists, create parameter is set to True or InMemory property is set to True then OpenArchive will create and open it. OpenArchive sets Active to True.


Mode parameter specifies open mode constant like in TFileStream.Create or FileOpen function.


Stream specifies Stream descendant object with the archive contents. If you use this form of the OpenArchive InMemory and FileName will be ignored. This variant can be used if you want to store archive in FileStream, MemoryStream, BLOB stream or any other Stream descendant object.


The Create parameter determines if file should be created.


Note:    Call CloseArchive to close the archive file.

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