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Search Results for: 'SFX'

Results 1-10, 58 total, on "SFX" (0.48 seconds)


...FlexCompress .MakeSFX FlexCompress Example Previous Top Next Create... ...self-extracting SFX archive. [C#] public void MakeSFX string SFXFileName... ...[VB.NET] Public Sub MakeSFX ByVal SFXFileName As String Description Call MakeSFX to create SFX archive from the current archive... ...specified by FileName property. Set SFXStub property to the executable stub...

[6.2 kb] 2010-06-05 23:37:32 http://www.componentace.com/help/fxc_guide/makesfx.htm

Making SFX archives

...top.location.href='index.html?makingsfxarchives.htm' // > Making SFX archives Previous Top Next There are two methods to create SFX... ...archive: 1 Set SFXStub property before creating of archive file by... ...OpenArchive fmCreate . Then the archive file is created with SFX stub... ...connected and could be used as a self-extracting SFX archive if archive...

[6.3 kb] 2010-06-05 22:45:40 http://www.componentace.com/help/zf_guide/makingsfxarchives.htm

Making SFX archives

...Making SFX archives Previous Top Next There are two methods to create SFX... ...archive: 1 Set SFXStub property before creating of archive file by... ...OpenArchive FileMode.Create . Then the archive file is created with SFX... ...stub connected and could be used as a self-extracting SFX archive if...

[5.2 kb] 2010-06-05 22:47:32 http://www.componentace.com/help/fxc_guide/makingsfxarchives.htm


...MakeSFX Example Top The following example shows how to create... ...self-extracting SFX archive: [C#] flexCompress1.FileName =... ...C:\\TEST\\test.fxc flexCompress1.SFXStub = SFXStub\sfxstub.exe... ...flexCompress1.MakeSFX Temp\test.exe [VB.NET] flexCompress1.FileName =...

[4.3 kb] 2010-06-05 23:36:50 http://www.componentace.com/help/fxc_guide/makesfxexample.htm


...FlexCompress .SFXStub FlexCompress Example Previous Top Next Specifies the... ...file name of the executable stub. [C#] public string SFXStub get set... ...[VB.NET] Public Property SFXStub As String Description Use SFXStub to specify the executable stub before creating... ...self-extracting SFX archive by OpenArchive FileMode.Create or by calling...

[6.2 kb] 2010-06-05 23:37:30 http://www.componentace.com/help/fxc_guide/sfxstub.htm


...< if top.frames.length==0 top.location.href='index.html?makesfx.htm' // > T ZipForge .MakeSFX TZipForge Example Top Create self-extracting SFX... ...archive. procedure MakeSFX SFXFileName: String Description Call MakeSFX to... ...create SFX archive from the current archive specified by FileName property.... ...Set SFXStub property to the executable stub name before calling MakeSFX....

[5.6 kb] 2010-06-05 23:36:03 http://www.componentace.com/help/zf_guide/makesfx.htm


...top.location.href='index.html?makesfxexample.htm' // > MakeSFX Example Top The following example shows how to create... ...self-extracting SFX archive: with Archiver do begin FileName :=... ...folder SFXStub := 'C:\PROGRAM... ...FILES\ComponentAce\ZIPFORGE\SFXStub\SFXstub.exe' // Create SFX archive...

[6.0 kb] 2010-06-05 23:35:24 http://www.componentace.com/help/zf_guide/makesfxexample.htm


...< if top.frames.length==0 top.location.href='index.html?sfxstub.htm' // > T ZipForge .SFXStub TZipForge Example Top Specifies the file name of the... ...executable stub. property SFXStub: String Description Use SFXStub to... ...specify the executable stub before creating self-extracting SFX archive by... ...OpenArchive fmCreate or by calling MakeSFX . If SFXStub is not set or set...

[5.7 kb] 2010-06-05 23:36:01 http://www.componentace.com/help/zf_guide/sfxstub.htm

Self-extracting ZIP in VB.NET

...demonstrates the use of the SFX-related properties of ZipForge.NET Download... ...exe because we create a SFX archive archiver.FileName = C:\test.exe ' See... ...SFXStub demo in ZipForge.NET\Demos folder ' to learn how to create a SFX... ...stub archiver.SFXStub = C:\SFXStub.exe ' Because we create a new archive, '...

[15.4 kb] 2010-06-05 22:55:33 http://www.componentace.com/sfx-zip-vb.net.htm

Self-extracting ZIP in C#

...the SFX-related properties of ZipForge.NET Download ZipForge.NET | Learn... ...want to create. // We set extension to exe because we create a SFX archive... ...archiver.FileName = @ C:\test.exe // See SFXStub demo in ZipForge.NET\Demos... ...folder // to learn how to create a SFX stub archiver.SFXStub = @...

[15.5 kb] 2010-06-05 22:07:24 http://www.componentace.com/sfx-zip-c-sharp.htm
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