Rijndael 256 bit key

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Search Results for: 'Rijndael 256 bit key'

Results 1-5, 5 total, on "Rijndael 256 bit key" (1.74 seconds)


...set public enum CryptoAlgorithm Rijndael128, Rijndael256, DESSingle, DESTriple, Blowfish, Twofish128, Twofish256, Square [VB.NET] Public... ...Fields Blowfish = 4 DESSingle = 2 DESTriple = 3 Rijndael128 = 0 Rijndael256 = 1 Square = 7 Twofish128 = 5 Twofish256 = 6... ...CryptoAlgorithm can be set to any of the following values: Value Meaning caRijndael_128 Rijndael, 128 bit key. Advanced Encryption Standard AES... ...winner caRijndael_256 Rijndael, 256 bit key. Advanced Encryption Standard...

[11.1 kb] 2010-06-05 23:42:49 http://www.componentace.com/help/fxc_guide/cryptoalgorithm.htm


...TABSCryptoAlgorithm = craRijndael_128,craRijndael_256,... ...craDES_Single,craDES_Triple, craBlowfish, craTwofish_128,craTwofish_256,... ...craRijndael_128 Rijndael, 128 bit key. Advanced Encryption Standard AES... ...winner craRijndael_256 Rijndael, 256 bit key. Advanced Encryption Standard AES...

[8.3 kb] 2010-06-05 23:30:44 http://www.componentace.com/help/absdb_manual/tabscryptoalgorithmtype.htm

Encryption algorithms

...encryption algorithms: Rijndael 128 and 256 bit version, Advanced... ...Square Hash algorithms are RipeMD-128 for 128 bit keys and RipeMD-256 for... ...256 bit keys. All these algoritms were tested by best cryptography experts in the world... ...need extremely high encryption speed. It is a very old cipher with 56 bit...

[6.8 kb] 2010-06-05 22:47:40 http://www.componentace.com/help/fxc_guide/encryptionalgorithms.htm

Compression and encryption algorithms

...Rijndael encryption algorithm AES , 128/256 bit key.Hash algorithm is... ...RipeMD-128 / RipeMD-256 . Implementation of encryption routines is provided by well-known... ...of the Pro version can switch between a 128-bit and 256-bit key encryption....

[12.1 kb] 2010-06-05 22:42:34 http://www.componentace.com/help/ecl_guide/Compression_and_encryption_algorithms.htm

Article: Easy Compression Library: Speed and compression ratio tests

...for text, bitmap and richtext files. Table 1 displays the list of all... ...the text *.txt file compression. Table 3 indicates the results for bitmap... ...products. Product Author Price Key features Easy Compression Library v.1.00... ...TECLFileStream , encryption Rijndael AES, 256-bit , stream classes 100%...

[27.8 kb] 2010-06-05 22:06:32 http://www.componentace.com/info/articles/ecltest.php

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Thanks again for the superb tech support, I was worried I'd hit a brick wall this close to the finish line. Even working on the weekend... you guys rock!!!

Bob Boyd

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