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TZipForge    Example

Specifies the file name of the executable stub.

property SFXStub: String;

Use SFXStub to specify the executable stub before creating self-extracting (SFX) archive by OpenArchive(fmCreate) or by calling MakeSFX. If SFXStub is not set or set to not existing file when the MakeSFX method is called, then an exception will be raised.

Note:   If you need to create multi-disk spanned or splitted self-extractable archive you should set SFXStub and call OpenArchive with fmCreate mode. Do not use MakeSFX for spanned or splitted archives.
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Jul 27, 2024 
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Jul 27, 2024