Occurs in case of failure of the current operation.
type TZFProcessFileFailureEvent = procedure (
Sender: TObject;
FileName: String;
Operation: TZFProcessOperation;
NativeError: Integer;
ErrorCode: Integer;
ErrorMessage: String;
var Action: TZFAction
) of object;
type TZFAction = (fxaRetry, fxaIgnore, fxaAbort);
property OnProcessFileFailure: TZFProcessFileFailureEvent;
Write an OnProcessFileFailure event handler to perform some specific actions when archive operation failes. OnProcessFileFailure event is triggered by AddFiles, MoveFiles, UpdateFiles, DeleteFiles, TestFiles or ExtractFiles if any file error occurs in the listed methods. If you will not specify event handler for OnProcessFileFailure any error will raise an exception.
The Sender parameter is the object whose event handler is called.
FileName indicates current file name.
Operation indicates current archive operation.
NativeError indicates internal error code that is unique for each error handled by ZipForge. If OnProcessFileFailure triggers due to unknown internal error, please report about your problem to support@componentace.com.
ErrorCode indicates common type of the error. You can find error codes list at ZFConst unit supplied with product.
ErrorMessage indicates error message text.
Action specifies whether the operation with the file should be retried, aborted or the error is to be ignored to process the next file.