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Extracts data stored in the file inside the archive to a TStream descendant object.

ExtractToStream(FileName: String; Stream: TStream);

Use ExtractToStream to decompress data stored in the file inside the archive to a TStream descendant object like TFileStream, TMemoryStream or TBlobStream.

The FileName parameter specifies file name being extracted.

Note: Any transaction must be finished before calling ExtractToStream. Otherwise an exception will be raised. Also if some other errors occurs an exception will be raised.
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Oct 22, 2024 
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Oct 22, 2024