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Extracts data stored in the file inside the archive to a memory buffer.

ExtractToBuffer(FileName: String; var Buffer; Count: Integer);

Use ExtractToBuffer to decompress Count bytes of data stored in the file inside the archive to memory buffer.

The FileName parameter specifies file name being extracted.

Buffer is an existing memory buffer. Buffer size should be greater or equal number of bytes specified by Count parameter.

Count specifies size in bytes of the data being extracted from the archive.

Note: Any transaction must be finished before calling ExtractToBuffer. Otherwise an exception will be raised. Also if some other errors occurs an exception will be raised.

        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Oct 22, 2024 
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Oct 22, 2024