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Archive handling

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Use AddFiles, ExtractFiles, DeleteFiles, MoveFiles, TestFiles, UpdateFiles methods property of TZipForge for handling files stored within the archive.
These methods supports wildcards in file names that allows to make a group operations on many files by single call.

ZipForge provides also some additional methods for handling single file stored inside the archive: AddFromBuffer, AddFromStream, AddFromString, ExtractToBuffer, ExtractToStream, ExtractToString, RenameFile.

Open archive file before using these methods.

There are some examples of archive management:
·Basic Example  
·Advanced Example  

Look at Searching files within the archive topic to learn how to find files stored inside the archive.
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Jul 27, 2024 
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Jul 27, 2024