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Finds files stored within the archive.


public bool FindFirst(string fileMask, ref ArchiveItem f, FileAttributes searchAttr);

public virtual bool FindFirst(string fileMask, ref ArchiveItem f, FileAttributes searchAttr, string exclusionMask);



Public Function FindFirst(ByVal fileMask As String, ByRef f As ArchiveItem) As Boolean

Public Function FindFirst(ByVal fileMask As String, ByRef f As ArchiveItem, ByVal searchAttr As FileAttributes) As Boolean

Public Overridable Function FindFirst(ByVal fileMask As String, ByRef f As ArchiveItem, ByVal searchAttr As FileAttributes, ByVal exclusionMask As String) As Boolean




Use FindFirst and FindNext to find files stored inside the open archive file. FindFirst return True if at least one file meets search conditions, otherwise it returns False. Use FindNext to find other files that meets search conditions.


After calling FindFirst f parameter will contain parameters of the first found file.


FindFirst variant with single parameter uses FileMasks, ExclusionMasks and Options.SearchAttr to specify search conditions and to exclude files from delete operation.


The fileMask parameter is the directory and file name mask, including wildcard characters. For example, "TEST\\*.*" specifies all files in the TEST directory stored within the archive file. First file that meets FileMask and SearchAttr will be found.


The searchAttr parameter specifies the special files to include in addition to all normal files.

The exclusionMask specifies files to be excluded from delete operation.


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