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ZipForge is a fast ZIP compression library. With this toolkit you can easily add archive functionality to your projects.

ZipForge is a complete solution for developing applications with archiving or backup functionality. ZIP is a most widely used in the world compression format. Using ZipForge you can easily make archives that can be used on any platform.

ZipForge Personal is free for personal use. Any company that uses ZipForge in its projects must order ZipForge Pro.

However this product is a ZIP based compression library, so it has all ZIP disadvantages such as weak encryption, fast but not very strong compression. These issues are solved in another our product - FlexCompress

Take a look at comparison list of these two products to choose right solution for your needs.

Go to Getting Started topic to learn how to use ZipForge.
Take a look at Benefits topic to see the main benefits of using ZipForge in your apllications.
For a list of the ZipForge key features, see Features topic.

        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Jul 27, 2024 
        © 2003 - 2024 ComponentAce  | .net zip component | barcode for .net | delphi zip component | delphi database Jul 27, 2024