Delphi Database, Delphi Components from ComponentAce
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Specifies whether a database will be open in a multi-user mode.

property MultiUser: Boolean

Set MultiUser to true before opening a database file, if you would like to open a database file in a multi-user mode.
When MultiUser is set to false before opening a database file, a database file is open in a single-user mode.
Default value is false.

Note:   ReadCommitted isolation level is used for transactions in a multi-user mode.

Note:   Trial / Personal versions of Absolute Database show nag screen outside of IDE, if multi-user mode is used. Please order Multi-User commercial edition of Absolute Database to use it in your multi-user projects.

Note:   Avoid opening the same database file in single-user and multi-user mode simultaneously. This may cause data corruption.

Note:   Maximum number of connected users in multi-user mode is limited by MaxConnections property.

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