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Improving Overall Performance
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There is a list of settings which can have a significant impact on overall performance of Absolute Database.

·Disabling controls  
·Database page settings  
·Maximum connections  
·Exclusive access  
·Single-User access  
·In-memory mode  

Call DisableControls prior to iterating through a large number of records in the dataset to prevent data-aware controls from updating every time the active record changes. Disabling controls prevents flicker and speeds performance because data does not need to be written to the display.
Usually DisableControls is called within the context of a try...finally block that reenables the controls even if an exception occurs. For example:

with CustTable do  
    while not Eof do  
     { Process each record here }  

Database page size can affect the I/O database performance as the database data is accessed by pages and the smaller page size can provide better performance in some cases.
In another cases, such as table navigation with hundreds of thousands of records with active index, PageSize=32K or PageSize=64 K gives you a better performance results.

To improve performance in a multi-user mode, it is recommended to set MaxConnections limit as small as possible.

Another available option is to use exclusive database and table access whenever it is possible (set Exclusive property to True before database / table opening).

If you don't need multi-user access to database, set the MultiUser property of TABSDatabase component to False before database opening to increase overall performance.

In-memory tables provide faster access via both TABSTable and TABSQuery components, so you can consider the possibility to use in-memory tables to improve the performace of your application.

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