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Error Codes
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Here is the list of error codes which could be useful to handle errors and to provide user with the proper error message.
You can see a practical example of errors handling in the MultiUser demo supplied with the Absolute DB.

 // error codes
 const ABS_ERR_OK = 0




procedure TMainForm.ABSTable1DeleteError(DataSet: TDataSet;
  E: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction);
   if (E is EABSEngineError) then
        case (EABSEngineError(E).ErrorCode) of
           if MessageDlg('The record is locked. '
                         'Do you want to try to delete this record again?'
)=mrYes then
           if MessageDlg('The table is locked. '
                         'Do you want to try to delete this record again?'
)=mrYes then
             MessageDlg('The record you are trying to delete has been modified by another user. '
                        'The table will now be refreshed. If you want to delete this record, try again.'
             MessageDlg('The record you are trying to delete has been deleted by another user '
                        'The table will now be refreshed'

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