Absolute Database provides easy-to-use and seamless database file encryption.
You can use the strong encryption feature to protect your data from anauthorized users.
You can encrypt / decrypt database file via Absolute Database DBManager utility (...\AbsoluteDatabase\Ultils\Bin\DBManager.exe).
In application code the database encryption could be configured by setting Password and CryptoAlgorithm properties of TABSDatabase component and its ChangeDatabaseSettings method.
Creating a new encrypted database
You can create an encrypted database file by the following steps:
| 2. | Set the Password property of TABSDatabase component.
Opening an encrypted database
You can open an encrypted database file by the following steps:
| 1. | Set the DatabaseName and the DatabaseFileName of TABSDatabase component.
| 2. | Set the Password property of TABSDatabase component to enable opening encrypted database
If you didn't set the right Password property value, the OnPassword event will be fired to request a correct password.
Encrypting an existing database
You can encrypt an existing database file by the call to the ChangeDatabaseSettings method with the NewPassword and the NewCryptoAlgorithm parameters.
Decrypting an existing database
You can decrypt an existing encrypted database by the following steps:
| 1. | Set the Password property of TABSDatabase component to enable opening encrypted database
| 2. | Call the ChangeDatabaseSettings method with the blank string passed to the NewPassword parameter.
Caution: Make sure that you remember the database password. If you will forget the password, you will not be able to open and access the database.